• Podcast Episode 15. Outside the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

    Podcast Episode 15. Outside the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

    Having spent the first day of my visit to the Pyramids of Giza getting a feel for the place, and venturing inside the Pyramids of Khufu and Khafre, I returned the following day ready for some wider exploration.

  • Podcast Episode 14. Inside the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

    Podcast Episode 14. Inside the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

    Not only was I visiting Giza, Egypt, one of the most amazing historic sites on earth, I was about to enter two of the Great Pyramids.

  • Podcast Episode 11. The Minibuses of Sharm El Sheik, Egypt.

    Podcast Episode 11. The Minibuses of Sharm El Sheik, Egypt.

    I had been too nervous to jump on the taxi minibuses in Egypt’s heaving cities, but figured I couldn’t go too far wrong in the beachside resort town of Sharm El Sheik. Riding the minibuses turned out to be a really enjoyable local experience.

  • Questions from the locals, Egypt

    Questions from the locals, Egypt

    ‘Where are you from, my friend?’ Travelling in Egypt, this is one question from the locals you hear all the time.

  • Diving the S.S. Thistlegorm, Egypt

    Diving the S.S. Thistlegorm, Egypt

    The wind was gusting over 20 knots, and the dive boat lurched in the choppy seas. Geared-up and ready, I have to admit I was feeling nervous. It didn’t seem all that long ago that I had done my first scuba dive, and now I was waiting to descend to the bottom of the Gulf…

  • The S.S. Thistlegorm, Egypt

    The S.S. Thistlegorm, Egypt

    Merchant seaman are arguably the forgotten heroes of World War II. Sailing the unarmed, or lightly armed, cargo ships that delivered troops and vital supplies was a dangerous game.

  • The Minibuses of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

    The Minibuses of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

    I had been too nervous to jump on the taxi minibuses in Egypt’s heaving cities, but figured I couldn’t go too far wrong in the beachside resort town of Sharm El Sheik. Riding the minibuses turned out to be a really enjoyable local experience.

  • Under the Red Sea, Egypt

    Under the Red Sea, Egypt

    When you’re middle-aged, and you experience something that blows your mind kid-style, it’s something to celebrate. I did something last week that left me yelling with pure joy and wonder. I went scuba diving under the Red Sea.

  • Siwa Oasis, Egypt

    Siwa Oasis, Egypt

    Although I had spent over a month in Egypt, and had visited a few places on the arid edge of the Nile Valley, I hadn’t gone deep into the desert. Having spent many years living in Central Australia, I was keen to see the country’s dry interior.

  • Aswan, Egypt

    Aswan, Egypt

    Despite Aswan, Egypt, having some amazing sites to explore, I can’t say I had a great time.

Midlife Crisis Odyssey