Midlife Crisis Odyssey

Travel Stories that Entertain, Inform and Inspire

I’m Jim, an Australian bloke for whom a midlife crisis triggered an odyssey around the world. I write travel stories that entertain, inform and inspire. Looking for a list of the top ten cheapest party bars in Phuket? You won’t find it here. But if you love travel, enjoy thoughtful writing, and have ever found yourself questioning the big picture, then there’s something here for you. More about me

The Acropolis, Greece

Rising majestically from the centre of Old Athens, the Acropolis mesa supports an extraordinary collection of ancient structures, and an even more extraordinary collection of myths and legends

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Searching for Kiwis, New Zealand

I discovered that due to both luck and good management, the kiwi is relatively common in the forested hills behind the town of Whakatane. And when I say ‘relatively’, that’s in comparison to places that don’t have any at all

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Stromboli and Etna, Italy

Around midnight the island of Stromboli loomed out of the darkness. We sailed our way around to the north side of the island, where we got our first smell, sight and sound of the volcano

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If you are sure of who and what you are, it gives you a firm foundation upon which to go about your business. Losing touch with one’s identity is an unsettling state of affairs

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A Chance Meeting in Wadi Rum, Jordan

When I pulled up to help a bloke in a broken down vehicle, I had no idea it would lead to an amazing night as a guest of the Bedouin

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From Refugees to Volunteers, Ukraine

Kateryna hurries through the crowd towards me. She is wearing a heavy jacket and a beanie, beneath which a thick blonde plait descends and rests on her shoulder. She is one of many Ukrainian refugees who have chosen to stay at the border to help others fleeing Putin’s war

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French Stereotypes, France

Having spent a couple of months in France, I think it’s fair to say I’m now an expert in French culture. Considering this, I feel it’s my duty to address a couple of stereotypes of French people, both of which were popular when I was growing up. I have discovered that one of these is indeed true, whilst the other is demonstrably false

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Diving the S.S. Thistlegorm, Egypt

The wind was gusting over 20 knots, and the dive boat lurched in the choppy seas. Geared-up and ready, I have to admit I was feeling nervous. It didn’t seem all that long ago that I had done my first scuba dive, and now I was waiting to descend to the bottom of the Gulf of Suez to explore the S.S. Thistlegorm

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Latest Post

Not all who wander are lost’, but some of us definitely are. It’s reassuring to know it’s all about the journey, not the destination, when you don’t know where you’re going.


‘Hey Jim, I just love reading your posts because all of what you go through resonates with all of our experience I think’



The Statues of Skopje, Macedonia

My girlfriend and me are going to visit Skopje the day after tomorrow. We almost p*ssed our pants laughing at this blog entry about the statues =D
Absolutely hilarious. We’re gonna love it even more!’



Hangar 7, Austria

‘Another great read Jim, love the Aussie humour’



Searching for the Blockhouse, Egypt

‘What a fantastic article! Thankyou for your research and time you spent finding the blockhouse’



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Panathenaic Stadium, Greece

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Do you have a particular interest in World War I, II and the Cold War? Check out my other blog Ghosts of War. If you enjoy military history, and want to know what it’s like to visit both significant and lesser-known wartime locations today, there’s something there for you.

Midlife Crisis Odyssey