• Motor Valley, Italy Part II

    Motor Valley, Italy Part II

    Modena was gloomy and drizzly as I made my way back to the Museo Enzo Ferrari. It was from there I would catch the shuttle bus to nearby Maranello for part two of my Prancing Horse experience: Museo Ferrari.

  • Motor Valley, Italy Part I

    The Emilia Romagna district in Northern Italy is home to a disproportionately large number of iconic car and motorcycle manufacturers. It was here in the Valley of Speed that Enzo Ferrari was born…

  • Juventus Versus Genoa, Italy

    The last soccer game I went to was a suburban league game years ago in Melbourne. Now I was queueing up to enter Juventus’ home ground in Turin, Italy

  • Storm Front, Italy

    Storm Front, Italy

    We left our beautiful anchorage at Porto Taverna on Spain’s Sardinian north-east coast to make the short hop to La Maddelena Island. There was a storm front approaching, and the Skipper was keen to see us moored in a sheltered harbour to sit it out.

  • Sardinian heavy weather, Italy

    Sardinian heavy weather, Italy

    I was aware of the boat rocking from a steepening swell, and the wind starting to whistle outside. However it was quite a shock when a broken wave, a broken wave, slammed into the side of the boat, sending various items crashing to the floor.

  • Il Duce

    Il Duce

    After arriving in Sicily, I was a little surprised to see commemorative calendars featuring Benito Mussolini on sale.

  • Stromboli and Etna, Italy

    Stromboli and Etna, Italy

    Around midnight the island of Stromboli loomed out of the darkness. We sailed our way around to the north side of the island, where we got our first smell, sight and sound of the volcano.

  • Night Demons

    Night Demons

    When I’m sitting in the dark, alone at the helm, I often receive unwanted visitors. They come when I’m at my weakest. When I’m tired and cold and wishing I could sleep.

Midlife Crisis Odyssey