Il Duce

Commemorating Mussolini, Italy

Are you sick of political correctness, lefties and namby-pamby politicians? Do you think back to the grand old days of fascism and get a little misty-eyed? Still think minorities are for persecuting? Sick of democracy getting in the way of getting things done? Need a strongman in your life?

Well why not start 2021 like it’s 1925 all over again with a Benito Mussolini Il Duce calendar!

Il Duce
He looks perfectly sane to me

Relive the good old days of the dictatorship with a new striking image of Il Duce every month! Two great calendars to choose from, or why not buy both?

Il Duce
There’s that winning smile!

They also make great gifts for those special fascists in your life. And remember what the great man said: ‘Better to live a day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep’.

Roma! Roma! Roma!

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2 responses to “Il Duce”

  1. Neville Avatar

    It’s amazing what you can come across. Perhaps in 100 years time Trump Calendars will be on sale down little laneways as well!

    Bytheway, does December show Il Duce strung up upside down at a petrol station with his mistress? Just wondering.

    1. Jim Clayton Avatar
      Jim Clayton

      Always great to hear from you Neville!

      Yes you could well be right about the Trump calendars. I hear the Idi Amin and Muammar Gaddafi calendars are selling like hotcakes here in Africa.

      Actually December does show Il Duce and his mistress, but in an entirely different position

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