The Cemeteries of Gallipoli, Turkey
The cemeteries of Gallipoli hold tens of thousands who died in 1915; every one a story of a life cut short by the tragedy that occurred here in this beautiful place.
HMS Lundy and HMS Louis, Turkey
Diving the gloomy waters off the Gallipoli coast in Turkey was a nervous but fascinating experience.
Visiting Gallipoli, Turkey
Gallipoli is a beautiful place with a fascinating, tragic history. The Turkish people are committed to keeping this history alive, and ensuring that visitors have the opportunity to discover and learn.
Wildlife in Canakkale, Turkey
I was walking through one of the local parks in Canakkale, Turkey, and noticed something a little unusual. Looking very much like a tortoise, I assumed it was a kid’s toy. The tortoise looking thing then started moving, and after a closer look I realised that it was, indeed, a…
The Royal Automobile Museum, Jordan
King Hussein bin Talal ruled Jordan from 1952, when he was not yet 17 years old, until his passing in 1999 at age 63. The King had a love of cars, motorcycles and motorsport, and not being short of a few dinars built a staggering collection of vehicles during his…
A Float in the Dead Sea, Jordan
In addition to being the lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea boasts some other cool stats. Ordinary old seawater is about 3% salt, whereas the Dead Seawater is 31%. That’s a little over ten times more salty my friends.
Exploring Ancient Petra, Jordan
To show due respect to one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, I decided to spend three days exploring ancient Petra. And I’m here to tell you, they were three fascinating days.
A Chance Meeting in Wadi Rum, Jordan
When I pulled up to help a bloke in a broken down vehicle in Wadi Rum, Jordan, I had no idea it would lead to an amazing night as a guest of the Bedouin.
Wadi Rum, Jordan
Wadi Rum is a 720 square kilometre protected area a little over an hour’s drive from Aqaba. it was definitely one of Jordan’s biggest drawcards for me, and I was excited to have four days to explore the place.
Questions from the locals, Egypt
‘Where are you from, my friend?’ Travelling in Egypt, this is one question from the locals you hear all the time.