Climbing La Concha, Spain

Climbing La Concha

Sailing into Marbella, it’s hard to miss the towering presence of La Concha. The mountain which looms over the town is so-named because it looks like a sea shell, even though it doesn’t.

Arriving in Marbella by sail
La Concha, Marbella

Our first day in Marbella was rainy, and the clouds sat low over La Concha. However the second day dawned bright so I set off to climb the peak.

Marbella marina
Also La Concha, Marbella

I caught the bus north out of town, which wound it’s way up past the little hillside village of Ojen. The narrow road twisted an turned as it ascended, with the driver hitting the horn as we rounded each blind corner. (He also tapped the steering wheel in time to Rick Astley, who evidently still gets airplay in Spain. I found both of these things disturbing.)

The bus dropped me at the turn off to the Hotel el Refugio de Juanar, and I began the 5km walk up the road to reach the start of the track to the top of La Concha.

Marbella countryside
A nice walk to reach the start of the…umm…walk.

After reaching the Refugio, which was closed due to the Corona curse, I made my way through some olive groves and into the forest.

Olive groves near Marbella
Sunshine and olive groves – Spain anyone?
Climbing La Concha
With no map or compass, and just an old faulty torch, the teenagers ventured deeper into the forest…

The track – and I – climbed steeply through the pines before popping out into the higher altitude scrub. After a scramble along a rock face, the track rose steeply to a saddle for some ridiculously spectacular views.

Climbing La Concha, Marbella
Lucky I’m as sure-goated as a mountain foot
Climbing La Concha, Marbella
Riding high in the saddle and looking north
Climbing La Concha, Marbella
Riding high in the saddle and looking south

I had underestimated the length of the walk, so had to get a wriggle on to make it up to the top of La Concha before the shadows started to lengthen.

The last section of the track was a rocky scramble, with chains installed to help with the tricky bits.

Climbing La Concha, Marbella
The ancient Marbellans would chain their young to the mountain overnight. If they were still alive by morning, they were fit to become warriors

When I reached the top of the ‘shell’, the view was jaw-dropping. Looking down the coast to the south-west I could see Gibraltar, and across the straits to Africa.

I gawped open-mouthed like a child for a while, then remembered the time and started back down the mountain. I missed a turn on the scrambly descent and ended up battling through about 200 metres of gorse scrub to get back to the track. It didn’t take me long to remember how much I hate gorse, having removed hectares of it in Australia (where it is an invasive weed) as part of land protection work. A week after the walk and I’m still finding gorse spines in my skin, socks and shirt.

I can honestly say that the La Concha walk is one of the most spectacular hikes I have done. I had walked back down the road from the Refuge and was nearing the bus stop when I heard a car behind me. To my surprise the Skipper and his mate pulled up! They had just visited a nearby lookout, and the timing couldn’t have been better as I thought I might have missed the last bus back to town. Instead of hitching back to Marbella, I was chauffeured to a cafe, then to the beach where we ate pizza as the last colour of the day faded over the sea.

Now that was a good day.

Post script: I arrived back in Marbella today on a bus from La Linea, and for the first time saw La Concha from the west. And you know what? It did look a little like a shell. Sort of.

For more on La Concha click here

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2 responses to “Climbing La Concha, Spain”

  1. Julie Oliver Avatar
    Julie Oliver

    Now that is speccy!

    1. Jim Clayton Avatar
      Jim Clayton

      Speccy as a Jezza hanger!

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