• Lost and Found in Translation, Balkans

    Lost and Found in Translation, Balkans

    I often find it funny how people who speak English as a second (third, fourth or fifth) language habitually use phrases that English people don’t. I am sure there are people all around the world right now saying the exact same thing about English speakers who learn their languages.

  • The Zastava 750 ‘Fica’, Serbia

    The Zastava 750 ‘Fica’, Serbia

    During the time of the former Yugoslavia, a thriving motor industry produced some interesting, cool and just plain shithouse cars.

  • Red Cross Concentration Camp, Serbia

    Red Cross Concentration Camp, Serbia

    Visiting the Red Cross Concentration Camp was unsettling, confronting and heart-wrenching.

  • Skull Tower, Serbia

    Skull Tower, Serbia

    Skull Tower in Nis, Serbia, is a stark and poignant reminder of a violent chapter in Serbian history.

Midlife Crisis Odyssey