Auckland, New Zealand
Since the start of corona-rama here in NZ the government has been constantly reminding us to ‘be kind to one another’. Or as the Kiwis are also prone to say, ‘Don’t be a dick’. You know, leave a pack of toilet rolls on the shelf for the next person, be patient as we all get used to the new regulations, and stay home when you’re told to for the greater good of all.
As I’ve mentioned I’m currently bunkered down in an apartment here in Auckland. My place is located in an apartment block in a grimy street of apartment blocks.

My flat itself is clean and tidy, but the building is pretty ordinary. There’s often litter in the lobby, and the lift has a sticky spill on the floor that has been collecting footprints since I got here. The halls smell of stale ciggies. I’ve never seen any of my neighbours, and the masked individuals I have encountered in the lobby aren’t exactly chatty. I was therefore very surprised to find these on my doorstep this afternoon on my way out for my daily exercise.

Someone had taken it upon themselves to distribute Easter eggs at every door. Not being much of a chocolate eater, I happily left mine for the neighbours. But I have to say that seeing those little eggs really gave me a pep up. Maybe it happens in this building every Easter, or perhaps this year someone decided they would show a little extra kindness amidst all the upheaval. Either way, this corona refugee appreciated it.
If you likes this post you might also enjoy The Kindness of Strangers II, The Kindness of Strangers III
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