Podcast Episode 16. Driving the Nordschleife, Germany
Armed with a completely inappropriate car, I embarked on a lap of one of world’s most feared and revered motor racing circuits
The Bayeux Tapestry, France
We were in the neighbourhood, so my sister suggested we drop into the town of Bayeux., France, and check out the Bayeux Tapestry.
Visiting Mac, France
It was a cold and drizzly day when we pulled up beside V.C. Corner Cemetery near Fromelles, France. We had come to visit a member of our family who had been in Fromelles since 1916.
A Look Around the Louvre, France
If you haven’t had a chance to visit the Louvre in Paris, or even if you have, allow me to take you on a fascinating and ill-informed tour of some of the Museum’s lesser known artworks
Memories, Hopes and Changes, Ukraine
The city certainly had changed in the three months since I had last visited. There was still a big military presence, and explosions still rumbled, but It felt like the town was coming back to life. The Russians had beaten down the city, but had been unable to destroy its…
The Sound of the Footy, Ukraine
Listening to the footy while driving through Ukraine was a nostalgic break from the reality of a nation at war,
Podcast Episode 15. Outside the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Having spent the first day of my visit to the Pyramids of Giza getting a feel for the place, and venturing inside the Pyramids of Khufu and Khafre, I returned the following day ready for some wider exploration.
Podcast Episode 14. Inside the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Not only was I visiting Giza, Egypt, one of the most amazing historic sites on earth, I was about to enter two of the Great Pyramids.
Podcast Episode 13. The Panathenaic Stadium, Greece
The Olympics are a two week festival of sport that has me enthralled. Consequently, when I arrived in Athens, I was keen to visit the Panathenaic Stadium to soak up a little Olympic history.
Getting Your House in Order, Ukraine
Living in a village close to one of the most violent flashpoints in Ukraine requires getting your house in order.