• Getting Your House in Order, Ukraine

    Getting Your House in Order, Ukraine

    Living in a village close to one of the most violent flashpoints in Ukraine requires getting your house in order.

  • A Kindergarten Choir, Ukraine

    A Kindergarten Choir, Ukraine

    A visit to a village kindergarten to deliver aid included a performance by the kids of a traditional song that has become the de facto anthem of Ukrainian resilience

  • ‘Ukrainian Yoghurt. Enriched With Courage’

    ‘Ukrainian Yoghurt. Enriched With Courage’

    Putin refuses to accept that Ukraine is a sovereign nation independent from Russia. However his unprovoked and unjustifiable war has only strengthened the Ukrainians’ national identity.

  • Podcast Episode 5. Chicken Kyiv, Ukraine

    Podcast Episode 5. Chicken Kyiv, Ukraine

    A few of my mates asked if I had eaten a Chicken Kyiv in Kyiv. Turns out there is less Kyiv in Chicken Kyiv than I thought. I have a table for two – join me, won’t you?

  • Podcast Episode 2. Evacuation, Ukraine

    Podcast Episode 2. Evacuation, Ukraine

    Explosions rumbled, boomed and whumped as the Russians shelled the city from their positions just across the river. It was no place for an old lady bed-ridden with a broken leg.

  • Playing Soldiers, Ukraine

    Playing Soldiers, Ukraine

    When we were kids we played out great World War II battles with our toy guns. Today Ukrainian kids don’t have to imagine there are enemies in their back yards.

  • Shopping During Wartime, Ukraine

    Shopping During Wartime, Ukraine

    Having their grocery shopping interrupted by air raid sirens is a daily occurrence for many Ukrainians.

  • Counting The Cost, Ukraine

    Counting The Cost, Ukraine

    A tour of a shattered village revealed the cost of Putin’s war for the rural people of Ukraine.

  • Phaeton Museum of Technology, Ukraine

    Phaeton Museum of Technology, Ukraine

    Although the war in no way effects me as acutely as it does the Ukrainians, an afternoon at the Phaeton Museum of Technology, Zaporizhia, was a great way to forget about the war for a while.

  • Evacuation, Ukraine

    Evacuation, Ukraine

    Explosions rumbled, boomed and whumped as the Russians shelled the city from their positions just across the river. It was no place for an old lady bed-ridden with a broken leg.

Midlife Crisis Odyssey