• Sampling a Sachertorte, Austria

    Sampling a Sachertorte, Austria

    While in Austria I looked into the history of Vienna’s Sachertorte, and found I had something strikingly in common with the famous cake’s creator.

  • ‘Would You Like Gloves With That?’, Ukraine

    ‘Would You Like Gloves With That?’, Ukraine

    Ukraine is a place where I experienced many things for the first time, including having my meal served with a pair of gloves.

  • For a Hard Earned Thirst, Ukraine

    For a Hard Earned Thirst, Ukraine

    When in Ukraine, a hard earned thirst needs a big, cold….kvass

  • Making Borsch, Ukraine

    Making Borsch, Ukraine

    What better way to get to know my new Ukrainian colleague than to prepare a traditional borsch together?

  • North Macedonian Cuisine

    North Macedonian Cuisine

    I’ve always liked getting my head in the trough, and discovering new cuisine has been one of the joys of my Odyssey. When I reached Skopje in North Macedonia I was in good hands, with a friend – a local resident and foodie – there to guide me.

  • Gyros, Giros and Yiros

    Gyros, Giros and Yiros

    One thing I found out pretty quickly is that in Crete there are a number of different English spellings for each Greek word or name. Road signs are not consistently spelt, so if you are heading for Hania, you may actually arrive in Chania or even Xania. But what’s this got to do with my…

  • Chicken Kiev, Ukraine

    Chicken Kiev, Ukraine

    A few of my mates asked if I had eaten a Chicken Kyiv in Kyiv. Turns out there is less Kyiv in Chicken Kyiv than I thought. I have a table for two – join me, won’t you?

  • Apricots


    Maybe as you get older, life’s bag of apricots just loses its taste.

  • Ever tried an oatcake?

    Ever tried an oatcake?

    Oatcakes are a Scottish savoury biscuit traditionally made of oats, lard and water. Legend has it that oatcakes are called ‘oatcakes’ because oats are the main ingredient, though perhaps the real origin of the name has been lost in the mists of time. That aside, the whisper round the croft is that oatcakes have been…

Midlife Crisis Odyssey