• Cross Country Skiing, North Macedonia

    Cross Country Skiing, North Macedonia

    Being in Macedonia in the middle of winter, I thought it would be a good time to try cross-country skiing. Little did I know that my instructor would be a national sporting legend.

  • Paddling Matka Canyon, North Macedonia

    Paddling Matka Canyon, North Macedonia

    There’s nothing like getting out into the natural world to turn a grumpy day into a peaceful one.

  • Climbing Mount Vodno, North Macedonia

    Climbing Mount Vodno, North Macedonia

    Although North Macedonia’s capital Skopje has a population of over 600,000, you can still find some peace and quiet close to the city.

  • The Statues of Skopje, North Macedonia

    The Statues of Skopje, North Macedonia

    Whoever was in charge of Skopje’s Statue Department clearly took the ‘more is more’ approach to their portfolio. The Macedonian capital has a lot of statues. And when I sat a lot, I mean heaps. Literally hundreds.

  • North Macedonian Cuisine

    North Macedonian Cuisine

    I’ve always liked getting my head in the trough, and discovering new cuisine has been one of the joys of my Odyssey. When I reached Skopje in North Macedonia I was in good hands, with a friend – a local resident and foodie – there to guide me.

  • Vodici Ceremony, North Macedonia

    Vodici Ceremony, North Macedonia

    When I checked in to my apartment in the North Macedonian capital of Skopje, the landlord mentioned that the following day was a public holiday. He explained that a ceremony, involving hardy souls plunging into the freezing Vardar River, would be taking place in the city, and that it’s something I might like to have…

Midlife Crisis Odyssey